Our Seven Dimensions
- Emphasis on the Essentiality of Scripture
- Evangelization of Sinners
- Enlistment of Seekers
- Embracing of the Saved
- Edifying and Equipping the Saints
- Exalting the Savior
- Enhancing Society
1. Emphasis on the Essentiality of Scripture
The Goal of this dimension is to nurture, by continual emphasis, the communication that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God." It (the scripture) is God's essential method of "preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do." As absolute truth, the scripture is the standard by which all human conduct, beliefs, and opinions should be held. Jesus said, "know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Thus, scriptural truth is absolutely essential to avoid the enslaving forces of life.
2. Emphasis on the Essentiality of Scripture
The Goal of this dimension is to have an ongoing effort of sharing the gospel with the unsaved.
3. Enlistment of Seekers
The Goal of this dimension is to create a ministry environment where everything about us (facility, neighborhood, members, worship, etc.) is so magnetic, attractive, compelling and welcoming that visitors will simply be drawn into the ministry.
4. Embracing of the Saved
The Goal of this dimension is to embrace, love, support, and affirm every member of the church. This affirming love should occur publicly (every gathering at church) and privately (away from church - phone or otherwise).
5. Edifying and Equipping the Saints
The Goal of this dimension is to edify (build up) and equip the local body of believers to become "strong in the Lord' and experience the happy, healthy, holy Christian life.
6. Exalting the Savior
The Goal of this dimension is to come to worship with the purpose of deliberately and intentionally blessing the Lord because He is worthy to be praised. In the words of King David, this dimension petitions the saints to "magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together." While it is understood that worship is always about the Lord, who He is and what He has done for us, yet, it must be acknowledged that no worshipper can celebrate God's personhood, attributes, promises, and provisions and not end up shouting themselves. True worship, as it lifts Jesus up, also lifts the worshippers from their own low place.
7. Enhancing Society
The Goal of this dimension is that believers would have a positive impact (morally, ethically, spiritually, politically, socially, educationally, and legally) in and on their community.